The core of it - minimalistic news based on technical facts

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013

Whats the value/price of stolen data - Was kosten sie gestohlene Daten; Wert gestohlener Daten

If you are a European company and some of your data gets stolen, whats the price you have to pay?

- average cost per single costumer data record in 2012 is about 150€ (2008: 112€)
- loss of reputation
- value for the theft (depending on Quality):
   - full record (person name, address, credit card number, retention, security number = 1.5 - 3 $
   - full paypal account information = 1000 $ or 10% of the available account money
- in average a company lost 24'000 records per incident and lost 4% of its costumers
- risks:
   - in Germany a company has to tell the authority when data has been stolen, otherwise the responsible person can be fined with up to 300'000 €
   - data theft in Germany can be punished with up to 3 years of jail

source: die Welt

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